Resistance / Risk of triple-negative breast cancer

  We developed a multiple-step method to statistically infer the resistance for each individual by measuring function of a set of pathways disrupted by any rare mutations. Individual can be categorized into five groups corresponding to the level of TNBC risk/resistance using the germline mutation profiling.

Reference:Germlinegenetics encode the resistance, risk, and lymphatic metastasis of triple-negative breast cancer in the southern Chinese population. submited

Input VCF file: VCF stands for Variant Call Format. It is a standardized text file format for representing SNP, indel, and structural variantion calls. The VCF specification can be found on the 1000 Genomes web site( Users can upload VCF file output by GATK or SAMtools, et al.
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Joint reserch project between Phil Rivers Technology and Guangdong General Hospital
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